Anything but plain episode 16
Anything but plain episode 16 Chuchete is upset because Lichita went with Roberto,she wanted to be the one to go with him.The detectives continue to follow Roberto,they even call Lichita Immoral.Luciana says the sleep with Angel's concept so silly. Lichita asked if the hotel was being renovated, because she could hear hammering, but everyone laughed at her and called her clueless, Lichita asked once again but they laughed.she wondered why everyone was laughing.Luciana said they should advertise the mattresses as actors,one as eve and one as Adam.The female detective wondered when she saw another woman coming out of the room but she was shocked when she saw a man coming out as well,she thought they were Roberto's sexual Partners. She got shocked and asked her partner to drive her out of the hotel/motel. She said his behavior was probably the reason why he wasn't with his son.Luciana continued with her Abnoxious Adam and Eve concept but Roberto told her to stop...