Fooled into love

Facundo jumps on the car to stop maria from taking his kids.
Francis is complaining because she was dumped,her friends told her not to complain but she turned the tables around and asked her friends if they think she is just a girl who gets dumped.
Facundo finally managed to stop the car,Isabel saw them,she said to herself"he managed to stop her,he must really love her,can't he see all the love I have for him" Carmen is signing for the beauty contest when Francisca also went to sign,Carmen asked Francis if she has also gone to sign for the contest.
Isabel is throwing a tantrum in front of her husband, her husband told her not to miss an appointment with the psychiatric because she hasn't been herself lately.
Facundo gives his son permission to be with.... he is  excited and showered his dad with kisses.
Maria feels like she is slowly losing Facundo, she is sure he feels something for Isabel,her mom told her the moment they got to the city she became bitter and shouts at everyone.
Lucio and  Alberto finally made up,they are excited that Facundo allowed them to be in love,...just wants Isabel's approval.
Lucio told her aunt and Santiago that Facundo allowed her and Alberto to be together,but Santiago disapproved and told Isabel to find her a boyfriend from one of her family members,Isabel said she can't do that because of how Lucio looks.
Lucio told her uncle she has already made up her mind.
The rooster woke Isabel up,she really got upset but managed to get back to sleep,Santiago woke her up and gave her a letter,he said it's the most sensible thing he has done in a long time,Isabel read the letter,Santiago is asking for a divorce,Isabel can't believe it.
Maria doesn't understand why Facundo allowed Alberto and Lucio to be together, Facundo said Alberto is old enough to know what he wants while everyone supported him and said love is a beautiful thing.
Facundo told maria he has a plan,he whispers to her that they'd soon breakup.
Isabel refused to sign the divorce paper because she is worried of how people will look at them,she doesn't want to live in the streets so she wants a reasonable amount of money before she can sign a divorcé.
Facundo invited Hilda to the city to stay with them for a few days but Alberto isn't pleased.
Isabel threatened Santiago she'll see him in court,she asked him to let her sleep and close the window curtains,but she covered herself and started crying.
Margarita asked Hilda how long she'll be staying with them but Facundo said she'll only be staying for a few days,she asked how to switch on the TV but everyone started leaving.
Maria asked Facundo why she brought Hilda to their house without consulting her,Facundo said he didn't consult her the same way she didn't consult him before wanting to take the kids to the country side and being their neighbors accomplices.
Facundo said from now on decisions will be made by trousers not by skirts.
Maria ask Carmen to take Hilda to the university with her before she becomes a criminal,Hilda also begged her to go with her"please sister in-law take me along"
At the university Hilda keeps on getting unsurprised at what she sees,Francis sees Hilda and started with her remarks.
Santiago told Estaban he asked for a divorce from Isabel but Isabel wants to go to court,Estaban told Santiago not to go to court because the court always favor women so he should just try to negotiate with her,Santiago also warns Estaban not to go after Isabel because she is still very much his wife.
Estaban went to Santiago's house and told Isabel to divorce Santiago and give him a chance,Isabel told Estaban she doesn't want his salary.
He forced himself on her and kissed her but told him to leave her alone or she would report him for harassment.
Estaban left but Maria was behind so she saw everything.


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