Anything but plain episode 16

Anything but plain episode 16

Chuchete is upset because Lichita went with Roberto,she wanted to be the one to go with him.The detectives continue to follow Roberto,they even call Lichita Immoral.Luciana says the sleep with Angel's concept so silly.
Lichita asked if the hotel was being renovated, because she could hear hammering, but everyone laughed at her and called her clueless, Lichita asked once again but they laughed.she wondered why everyone was laughing.Luciana said they should advertise the mattresses as actors,one as eve and one as Adam.The female detective wondered when she saw another woman coming out of the room but she was shocked when she saw a man coming out as well,she thought they were Roberto's sexual Partners.
She got shocked and asked her partner to drive her out of the hotel/motel.
She said his behavior was probably the reason why he wasn't with his son.Luciana continued with her Abnoxious  Adam and Eve concept but Roberto told her to stop suggesting anything sexual.Sandra is having a conversation with the old office orderly(Fatima). She told him Augusto won't divorce his wife,Sandra told Fatima to get some rest.At home the detective is still shocked over what she saw at the motel,she said Roberto doesn't deserve a son like Mateo.Roberto and Lichita are working while everyone is dosing,he tried to work them up.All the lazy suggested they go home then come back at dawn,Luciana told Lichita to remain and work,Lichita told Luciana that's exactly what she was planning to do.
Roberto said he was going to remain with her,Lichita smiled but Roberto pretended to be sleeping which made Lichita to clingy,he opened his eyes and they all had a soft laugh.Lichita is working hard,she takes out some words from the presentation to make the presentation look good,Roberto took a look at it and said it was great.
Roberto said he was tired and wanted to sleep,Lichita said there was enough space to sleep on unlike the other motel where Roberto stole Alicia's idea.
Roberto asked Alicia if she will ever forgive him,she said she was sure her life was going to change that day but what is done is done.Roberto went to lay on the bed and called Lichita,she started Imaging her and Roberto playing then Roberto fell but it turned out they were kissing.Lichita opened her eyes but she wasn't sure whether she was dreaming or it really happened.

She however continued kissing him,well Roberto reciprocated.
They both opened their eyes and found they were kissing,Roberto asked Lichita to forgive him because he was sleeping the whole time,Lichita Tried to explain herself.The lazy gorillas arrives outsite chuchete asked Luciana why they let Roberto spend a night with Lichita but Luciana said Roberto would never look at Lichita.Roberto and Lichita realised they had not done their final touch up when they heard a knock,Roberto asked Lichita to finish the proposal while he opens the door for them.While they were discussing the proposal Roberto didn't realise his hand was on Lichita's shoulder, everyone got surprised.When they took the proposal the slow manager said the proposal was to be
discussed with the owner of(whatever)mattresses.

But he said he thinks he likes the proposal, he said he however needs to listen to the proposal of their competitors.
He left and everyone started laughing at him including Sandra and Lichita.Sandra said she wants to see everyone in one hour.Luciana said it was a Saturday and slavery was abolished but they reminded her there is no resting in advertisement.Magos said she'll have to go round to see if she can find a job.Nacho rubbed it to her face that he got a job.Magos asked her mom for some money,she finally agrees but told Ximena her mom(magos)will be helping her with the plates.Luciana blackmailed Lichita that if he loses her job Lichita will also lose her job,Lichita wants to do every thing possible to save her job.
She told Chuchete if she knows someone who can be interested in the proposal but chuchete called Lichita foolish and said it was Saturday and her job was done.Lichita told Luciana if she manages to get the account her uncle might even promote her.
Luciana got excited and started to look for a solution.Lichita continues to look for customers.
Meanwhile Roberto told Khumalo he kissed Lichita but Khumalo said he feels sorry for her,he told him he can go for Luciana who is beautiful and hot.Lichita managed to get an appointment, even though there was a language barrier, she still managed to do it.
They managed to set the meeting at 3 PM on Monday,the man wanted to meet her tomorrow but Sunday is her day off.When Lichita told Luciana about it she got excited and hugged her.
Lichita wanted to call Roberto but Luciana told her not to call him.Dafne saw Lichita and ran to her.
Roberto sees the kiss he shared with Lichita in the mirror.Dafne told Lichita she doesn't like Luciana because Luciana makes fun of her,her clothes and her makeup but Lichita told her,her proposal was based on her,Dafne was excited to know once did a proposal on her.Luciana said Dafne was her inspiration.Ximena's dress is done. Ximena asked Lichita to go and watch her,Lichita said she won't miss it for anything but she received a call from an interpreter telling her the meeting was moved from 3 to 8AM.
Lichita almost cancelled it but Ximena told her to go.Lichita goes to Augusto's house to tell her about the change of time but she almost refused.
But Dafne reminded her if they won't get the account she'll go back to Argentina.
Roberto and Lichita kissed.
Dafne is happy to see Lichita
Lichita told Dafne she was
Her inspiration for her new
Lichita asked Dafne if she can help them with the presentation. Dafne can't believe it,she repeatedly asked"me,me,me?.

Roberto and Lichita kissed

Ximena told Lichita to go ahead

Roberto Lichita Luciana Nacho


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