Along Came Love Season 1 Episode 2

Along came love Season 1 Episode 2

Along came love Episode 2.

Marcos is accused of pushing an officer.
David is worried but Juan tells him he'll handle the issue.
Meanwhile he goes to the police and tells Marcos that there is nothing they can do.

Marta can't help but cry when she learns that Luciana and Marcos have been deported.

Graciela still has hope that she'll one day win David.
Marcos goes to the bar to find someone to help them cross the boarder.

David is worried because Marcos was the only one who really helped him with the van yard.

Lisa tells her mom that she might have to leave her house if she continues being cruel to Marta and her family.
Diablo promises to help Marcos and Luciana cross the border.
He is impressed with Luciana's bravery.

Graciela calls Lisa to find out how Fernanda is doing,she offers her an apology.
Lisa warns her that their mom will soon be at her door.
David tells Marta that Marcos can only return after 5 years, Marta breaks down.

Marcos tells Juan that the production might go down without Marcos.

Ramon raised some money for Marta to send to Marcos.
Meanwhile Marcos continues to look for a job.
He finally reached Marta on the phone.

Diablo sends his men to get Luciana even if they have to get rid of Marcos.


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