Wild Skin "Piel Salvage" Episode 102

Ezequiel asks to speak to Camila in private. Camila tells Ezequiel that it was her idea that Patricia came to the Lopez Mendez. "I didn't want you to find out that your mother cheated on me twice.i was saving you from the embarrassment and pain" Fausto tells his children "I forgave them the first time because my love for Patricia kept on growing but i couldn't forgive them the second time"He added.Fausto managed to convince his children when he started"regretting" and shading tears.

Axel can't accept that Ignacio isn't his son,he wonders if he is Sebastian's son.
Camila tells Ezequiel that she had no other choice but to bring Patricia to the Lopez Mendez where she can have more control over her."No,you brought her here to torture her"Ezequiel tells camila.Camila says she wants Ezequiel to see how Patricia will suffer, Ezequiel tells her not to take it far cause Patricia will notice that she is planning on kidnapping her instead of helping her.

"Mom,tell them already so they can put that woman in jail"Astrid tells her mom.Nervous Elda tells Torrealba that Patricia didn't kill Celso,Torrealba asked where Patricia was,Elda said that she went to a hotel.
Amelia gets home, Axel tells her that she met her ex girlfriend who was pregnant.Amelia changes the topic by telling her husband that her dad is trying to frame her mom for murder so she is on the run.Patricia is in the basement scared because she hasn't talked to anyone,She refused to eat the food that Camila offered her but Camila promises to help her"You can't help me,Fausto has so much power" Patricia tells Camila. Camila vows to help her but she'll have to betray her uncle. Fausto tells his children to look for their mother because he'll have to turn her in to the police but Fernando says he is ready to give his life for his mother but Fausto tells him to watch out for the trouble maker Ezequiel.

Max is still at the hospital, he tells Julia and Gregory to continue fighting for their love.
Meanwhile Astrid and Luciano pressure Elda into telling Torrealba the truth. Elda tells Torrelba that Patricia and Celso were lovers,Fausto found them at caprice Stairway so he killed Celso.

“Let me tell you, oh look at the most precious thing Glamour has ever produced!” La Chila says and the saloon gang come to see the baby, but Yeli tells them that Celso was killed. “That same disgusting man who was interested in these curves? Who did Julia a favor?” chila asks. Leandro tells them that he knows Fernando Aragon got Yeli pregnant but as far as he is concerned, he is Joshua’s father.

Camila is kind enough to bring wine to the basement, she tells Patricia that everything points to her,Patricia says it wasn't her but camila tells her she already knows, she tells Patricia that her life is now in camila's hands."How was my mom accused of the crime she didn't commit" Camila ask Patricia.Camila says that it was Fausto who was responsible for that but she added that it was many years ago. "You have a lot of time to reflect and refresh your memory on how you and Fausto framed my mother because Torrealba is waiting to arrest you for a crime you didn't commit" Camila tells Patricia.

Gregory threatens his dad that he'll forget they are father and son if he discovers that he is trying to frame his mother. "Forgive me Axel"Amelia says adding that sometimes she feels like she doesn't deserve him.Sebastian goes to see father Tiziano who asked how the spiritual retreat went,Sebastian said that Amelia is now a chapel of his past and that the love he felt for her has turned into a blessing.

Astrid and Max are getting ready to go to bed,she tells him she wants to give him a child.Max gets a call,he tells her he won't be going to the office the next day.Astrid try to be cute"we shouldn't be having secrets,communication is everything"Astrid tells Max "You need to trust me"Max tells Astrid. "Your secret meeting is with Camila"Astrid says while screaming.

Leandro and Yeli take the baby to see camila. Yeli tells Camila that Leandro already knows that Fernando is the baby's father but he doesn't care,he wants it to be a secret.Camila says that Leandro is an angel.Fausto asked his son if he is declaring war on him but Torrealba arrives telling him that he has new information that Patricia didn't kill Celso but Fausto did it,
Fausto denies it, and denies Patricia having anything to do wth Celso. 

Alfred goes to see Elda,she starts telling him about Patricia's situation, Alfred tells her not to worry because Fausto will not harm her.Meanwhile Ezequiel is impressed seeing camila feeding her nephew"you do the mother role very nice" Ezequiel tells her then Camila hands over the baby to him to continue feeding him.

Yeli tells Ezequiel that she might not he a princess but she is the only woman who loves Leandro genuinely. Fausto tells Torrealba that he won't find Patricia even if he search the entire house.

The next day Yeli tells Chila that she went to the Lopez Mendez house and that Camila and Ezequiel helped her feed the baby, Chila says that it's good that Ezequiel accepted the baby.

Camila goes to see his uncle, Fausto says he knows she was at caprice only to manipulate the situation. But Camila says that she only went to caprice to look for Celso after he stabbed Julia.but when she went to Caprice she saw her aunt and Celso cheating on him,she didn't want her poor uncle to be cheated on.

Camila tells her uncle she recorded him killing Celso."don't worry uncle,i recorded your best side,my husband would really love this video cause it would be a dream come true,don't you think?"Camila asked but Fausto is scared.
Astrid wants to go with Max to his meeting but he refused.Marcelina tells her that she needs to learn to talk to max."Am tired of these secret meetings, i know max is meeting camila cause he still loves her"She tells her mother in law.Camila wants Fausto to come clean about the crime Rosa Blanco supposedly committed"You and your mother are just prostitutes and she was just a criminal and murderer, little girl!"Fausto tells Camila.Max goes to the orphanage to ask sister Isabel why she lied that Rosa Blanco is dead when she is alive.


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