I dare you to leave Episode 71

Gonzalo asked for a kiss,Val refused,she told Gonzalo she really hates him and doesn't want to see him again, regardless Gonzalo gave her a kiss on the chick,But Val wiped her chick with her hand.
Gaston told Mau that he'll help him write letters to Valentina.A teacher showed Val her Dom,she met a girl who was also bought there by her dad because he married another woman.
The girl told Val that she likes her name,Val said she likes her name too.Gaston told Mau that Ines is with him.
Val told her friend that her crazy aunt killed her mother"stop crying Valentina,my dad doesn't visit me"she said"he doesn't?that means that we are both orphans"Val said.
Nuria went to the hospital,the doctor told her that her pregnancy might have an abnomality because of the previous scan she did.at home Nuria told Micah that her child Will be abnomal"I don't want to give my son an abnormal child,we already have a deaf child in the family,now Will have an abnormal child"Nuria told Micah"Mau is a normal child"Micah said.
Mau cried in Alfonso's bedroom"I really need you grandpa,please wakeup"
"Good luck is on my side,they brought him home"Nuria said while smiling.Gonzalo told Nuria to go and say hi to Alfonso"Alright dad but I don't think he'll notice"she replied.
At night she snicked in Alfonso's room to go and kill"no one will suspect me because supposedly I can't walk"she removed his oxygen machine and tried to use a pillow to kill him but he died before she could do it"
"Good morning darling,are you awake alright"Raquel asked Gonzalo in the morning when she went to his bedroom,but she is shocked when the nurse told her that her husband is already dead.Raquwl started shaking and crying.
In her bedroom, Nuria tried to take her medication but realised that she dropped her ring on her way to Gonzalo's bedroom (She actually dropped it in the bedroom,we saw it falling).Nuria is out of her bedroom when she saw the nurse rushing"where are you running to?am going to call beto to come and get Mauricio because Gonzalo is dead"Micah dropped her tray of Juice or whatever it was,Nuria acted shocked but smiled after everyone left.
Micah tried to show the diamond thing from the ring to Raquel but she is so devastated to even pay attention.
Val received a letter,she is excited and whats to write back to Mauricio,her friend asked her if she wanted to write to her grandfather Alfonso but Val refused saying she'll never write to Gonzalo not Nuria.
Val received another letter from Mau informing her of her grandfather Alfonso's death,she cried.
Months after:Chelo is in labour,she asked Micah to call Beto,Micah told her she was going to call her friend to help her out.
Gonzalo visited the school in Boston,The principal told him that she doesn't want to see him because she hasn't forgiven him.Valentina told Fernanda that she'll never forgive Gonzalo.
She wrote back to Mau to tell him that she never wants to come back because she doesn't want to see Gonzalo and Nuria.
Mau told Gaston that he really miss Val.
Nuria's Water broke,she asked Micah to help her so that it will be easier to get rid of "the brat"The midwife told Chelo that her baby is little.
Micah told Nuria not to speak ill of her child.
Micah told Nuria that she was going to see Chelo ,Nuria told Micah that she was the lady of the house,Micah told her that she had options but Chelo didn't.
Chelo gave birth to a baby boy,She looks dead but the midwife told Micah that she is sleeping.
Gaston told Mau that if Val won't visit them they can visit her.
The midwife told Micah that Chelo won't be able to have children in the future because her womb is badly damaged,she also told her that the baby might die because he looks sick.Nuria also have birth to a baby boy,Nuria refused to look at him.Nuria asked Micah to take the baby to the orphanage.(Poor baby)
Fernanda asked Val if she won't go back home for the holidays,She said she won't,Fernanda is glad someone is going to stay with her.
Nuria refused to take the baby to the orphanage,she is looking for where to hide Nuria's baby.Beto called, Micah is glad that he called,He told him that he is the day of a beautiful baby boy,She asked him to come but he said he can't because of the thunderstorm.Chelo's baby died"How can you die yet Nuria's baby is alive,dear heavens please forgive me for what am about to do"Micah said then exchanged the babies.she went outside and buried Chelo's real baby.she told the baby how much she loved him and swore to take the secret to the grave,then proceeded to burying him.
Gonzalo asked for a kiss,Val refused,she told Gonzalo she really hates him and doesn't want to see him again


  1. When are they going to kill Nuria?Am tired of her.i can't believe she got away with the murders all these years.

    1. Unfortunately she is that enemy that stays til the last day.


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