Dolce Amore Episode 3.

Serena is amazed cause she just caught her first firefly,she is happy and smiling when she hears someone in a car calling her and urges her to hurry up before her mother finds her.
Luciana is at home praising herself on how good it feels to be a full time mother then Roberto walks to her and ask where Serena is .
Luciana tells Roberto to come down and says Serena is with Giancarlo.
Giancarlo is Serena's childhood friend and belongs to a family that can save their company.
Serena and Giancarlo go for a soccer game.while playing Serena kicks the ball on Giancarlo's face,but she is concerned on how he is doing,so she checks if he is fine, when she saw that he was just fine,she pushed him roughly.
Serena saw a guy and called him handsome,Giancarlo turned to him and he was ugly,the guy heard him and asked what he just said,Giancarlo said nice jacket.
As they continued to play Serena saw some girls and called them pretty,she wanted Giancarlo to praise them but he told her he liked someone else,Serena said the girl Giancarlo likes is probably ugly but he said she was beautiful.
Tenten is in a store where he works,wearing a store uniform,selling knives,there is a competition as to who will sell more,He offers free hugs and wins the customers hearts,his competitor offers free kisses.haha please.
After he knocks off from a store, he goes to another side job at a carwash,he also goes to a construction the morning he went home and found his father Dodoy picking some vegetables to eat,Tenten looked sad and remembered when dodoy had his own farm that his dad left him,Tenten Had abdomen pain and collapsed.
Serena cursed in Tagalog, Her mother walked in and by the looks of her mother's face,she can tell she has understood what she said,Serena asked her mom how she knew Tagalog,her mom said from her employees.Luciana asked Serena where she had been and why she left without saying a word to her.
Serena is in her room room going going through papers and books when the door opens then she hid the's her dad in the bedroom,He is in the bedroom to ask what Serena what's for her 18th birthday,He asks if she wants an apartment or a car but she said no,she said she what's to go to Askovia.


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