Doble Kara episode 4

Lucile left the foundation and went home,she talked to her nanny about kara and her plans to adopted her,Her nanny asked if she was sure,she agreed she was,she said she felt a strong connection with kara,she doesn't believe in coincide so it must be fate.
At the foundation Kara had fell,Lucile took care of her,when her Antonio got to the foundation,Lucile told him she wanted to adopt Kara,Antonio also asked if she was sure,she said she was sure.
Antonio and Lucile took Kara to their house,they showed her,her room, Antonio went to her room to ask if she wanted anything added to her room,she said her medicals were expensive so she didn't want them to spend so much money,Antonio asked if kara was fond with Lucile ,she said Lucile was nice.Antonio asked her never to tell Lucile about their relationship.
Meanwhile Laura was depressed because she was missing Kara,Sara tried to cheer her up but it didn't work,Sara asked her mom if she would also give her way she if was sick,Laura said it would never happen.
Laura asked Ishmael if it would be okay for her to visit Antonio she just she could see Kara,but Ishmael said Lucile might find out and it could ruin their family.
Kara got another infection and Lucile panicked,she told Antonio about the treatment she read about but Antonio said the best thing will be for them to take Kara to america.
Antonio wanted to get away from Laura.Lucile agreed,their papers were processed,When Laura went to manila to see Antonio she found they had already left to America.
Laura and Ishmael tried to look for Antonio's contact number but they were not able to get it.
Sara was coming to see when she collapsed, she was with Itoy at the time,who took her to the hospital,Ishmael and Antonio rushed to the hospital the moment they found out that Sara was in the hospital.
Itoy told them they had Neglected Sara while they were busy searching for Kara.
So Laura decided to dedicate her time taking care of Sara,Sara woke up and put a smile on her face when she found her mom holding her.
When she was discharges she asked if she can take part in the beauty contest,Laura agreed but Ishmael asked Laura not to spoil her to much.
In america Kara asked her dad to help her send a letter to her mother back in Philippine but Antonio refused saying he doesn't know how to explain to Lucile if she ever finds out.
Years passed Kara's treatment continued,She had finally won the fight against Leukemia.
The girls are now 21,Kara is seen graduating while Sara is still trying to win the beauty pageant.
She won first runner up and took the money straight to her parents.
When she went home,Ishmael told her she would have had a good job if she only went to school but Sara said she was never good at school,She said Ishmael wanted to fulfil Kara's dreams through,Laura scolded her for talking back to her father,Sara got angry and went to stay at Itoy's place.
In america Lucile gave Kara a pair of earrings while Antonio gave her a watch as a graduation present.
Kara asked her father if they can go back to the Philippines but Antonio refused,Lucile saw Kara's sadness and said she'd speak to Antonio, Lucile talked to Antonio and he accepted going back to the Philippines.


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